The weather had been very wet for the previous few days. New streams had popped up, and older established waterways were in an extra hurry.
Amazingly these mountains were formed 260 million years ago ( give or take a few years). Locals say it happened on the 14th of October, though proof is scarce.
At the foot of the highest peak, called Knocnmealdown lie two corrie lakes. And they have been around for a few years as well ( about 12,000 years, locals are unsure of the exact date.)
The photo above shows the Knockmealdown, while in that below, hopefully, you can see where the stream leaves the lake.
I stood on a pathway, watching and listening to the stream as it rushed to-words me, under my feet, then off to meet the River Tar which in turn meets the River Suir and on the to great reunion of the Three Sisters, Rivers Barrow, Nore and Suir, in Waterford Harbour.
What a great reunion that must be.
Under my feet flowed billions of molecules of water. Each molecule identical, one Oxygen atom combined with two Hydrogen atoms. Complete.
I wondered if there had been a great celebration when that marriage had occurred. Did they recognise one another in the distance and did they celebrate at their union.
How long have they been together, what have they experienced, solid , liquid, gas. Was being gas much more exciting that existing as ice. Is liquid a good compromise.
Is their being, older that the Knockmealdowns themselves or are they young things, only a couple of million years old.
What would it take to separate them.
Where have they been. Have they travelled the globe as clouds. Were they really disappointed when they met a cold front, and fell as water to the ground below. Or was this the beginning of a new adventure.
Do they have friends and do they miss these friends when they part. Or are they nuclear in outlook, caring only for their own experience, in total obedience to the forces that determine their being.
Thats just one of billions of molecules of water passing under my feet in a split second of time.
All with their own story, all perfect in formations, all in total obedience to natures laws.
Even River Dance was never this good.
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