Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Busy Birds.

 Our Bird Table holds 3 containers of Peanuts.  These have come all the way from Argentina via Germany. Not sure how eco friendly that is, but the birds have not raised any issues.
We also have one container of Niger Seed. Don't know where that has come from, but definitely not " Éirin go Brá"

The birds get through 2 containers a day of peanuts and one of Niger Seed.
Since adding the Niger seed to the menu 2 years ago we have had a huge increase in Gold Finch numbers. This morning I counted 23.
Last year, for the first time we had red poll arriving. We also have great tit, coal tit, chaffinch, green finch ( much reduced in number this year), siskin.  Floating in and around we have blackbird, thrush, robbin, wren, rook, jackdaw, grey crow, pigeon and recently some doves.

The bird table is directly outside the kitchen window. Using a telescope, its possible to really get up close. Add a camera and "walla" some lovely photos.  I intend using some of these photos on our 2014 calendars.

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