Wednesday, December 26, 2012

The Boss ......... Developments

As promised.  Well....... time has elapsed, but the boss, while physically recovered "down there", still suffers from the emotional trauma associated with such an event.

Having discussed "the event" with his missus, ( who is a few years older than him, and hence more experienced in the ways of the world) he has concluded that though passion may return, it will be all talk and no action. This, as all will acknowledge, puts a severe damper on a donkeys self expression.

However it being Christmas time, and since one of his mates was responsible for giving "Himself" a lift into Bethlehem, over 2000 years ago, the Boss has magnanimously decided to postpone the final conclusion. Surely if "Himself" could raise a few lads from the dead, he could sort the boss's issues.

He asked that the following photo be included to demonstrate his commitment to the holy Season, though is not yet prepared to show his own face.
The missus, takes pride of place, sporting the Christmas Ribbon.

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