Thursday, May 19, 2011


Mammy Goose a bit stupid. Eggs left unattended to date. BUT.

This morning 7 little mallard were swimming in the pond.

Thats a surprise. Hopefully they will be OK.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Winter into Spring. The Journey.

Spring Nightime Sky . Bluebells near the Pond

A winter / spring of cold snaps and some beautiful blue skys.

The Birds
This year we added Niger Seed to the Bird Table and were rewarded by the many goldfinches which attended. Also has Blue, Large, and Coal Tits. Greenfinch, Redpoll and Blackcap.

Thrush, Blackbirds and Robin moved into the garden.
Unusual visitors, during a very cold snap, were woodcock and snipe which came into the pond area. This is within 50 Metres of our house.

The Gooses

Winter moved into spring. It emerged we had a boy and a girl goose, who went happily about goosey business. Now we have a nest with 14 eggs. Not sure if Mammy Goose knows she has a little more work to do. As in hatch them.